A word that makes somebody who is actually introverted sound more extroverted, kind of like the word fiery. Champagne is bubbly, people bring champagne to a party.
The bubbly girl was someone people thought was the definition of an extrovert, despite living in a bubble in a way most people didnt get to live (and still claiming to be trapped inside the bubble).
by Solid Mantis September 1, 2020
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Bing Crosby:" I'll have a bit of the bubbly myself" (high society 1956)
by Dhiazee December 7, 2015
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A fat person's description of themselves
"What kind of things do you like about yourself?"
"I would say im a bubbly person!"
"Thats great, what do you not like about yourself?"
"im eighteen stone".
by Zombie raper September 17, 2011
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The process of converting expensive cocaine into lucrative (and cheap) crack, usually on a kitchen stove top.
"Niggas in the hood/bubbling goods..."
Ghost Face.
by ill dun doin it January 18, 2005
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Damn.. have that bitch serve me a double after I smack her bubble!!
by Rah January 16, 2003
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Just plain cool or use bubbly-making as kind of an adrenaline rush feeling or exciting.
Read Pretties by Scott Westerfield for usage and origin.
That movie was so bubbly, I really like it.

Ripstiking is really bubbly-making!
by Sabeanie June 9, 2009
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Kingwood, Texas. what the people of kingwood call their home. Its an affluant community in north Houston that is referred to the bubble because of the inability of kingwood teens to live in "the real world"...one without drugs, alcohol, excessive money, and parents that just dont care or know. Also because of the boring scene a kingwood teen is raised with.
"the bubble of kingwood"
by Jzatk September 2, 2006
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