1)drunk or slightly drunk on hate over something stupid
2)hating something or someone hard
3)Hating with jealousy on someone or something
4)hating something or what a person gets or has
Trevor: Man I wanted those Jordans and he got them for free.
Travis: Yo, man quit getting tipsy on the hatorade! Just be glad you got some shoes!
by Alicia S. October 23, 2005
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The best shot invented in 2019.

1) First a person breaks a Dutch based chicken candy in half and puts the ass of the chicken on his left hand (same place as the salt of a tequila shot).
2) Prepare the finest Turkish Yeni Raki mixed with water in a shot.
3) Open a bottle of beer

If everything is set, first you take that damn chicken ass, wash it away with your Yeni Raki and try not to vomit while finishing your shot with some beer.

Congratulations, you have now mastered the art of tipsy chicken ass.
Person 1: Hi man, u need to take a tipsy chicken ass shot
Person 2: Fuck my life, I still want to enjoy my evening
Person 1: A man should never refuse his bros
Person 2: Say no more, give me that tipsy chicken ass shot
All other people in the room: *fucking retards*
by Trunks March 26, 2019
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When you have consumed the perfect amount of alcohol to be in the mood for sex, but not so drunk that you feel either tired or nauseous - or both.
Babe, I'm feeling tipsy fucky right now.
by bustymcgee February 19, 2016
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When you drink too much and are interested in pursuing a person opposite of what you normally do. If you are heterosexual you are interest in a same sex person. If you are homosexual you are interested in the opposite sex person.
Then we had sex because we were both bi tipsy.
by Leavingmanchester April 14, 2018
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After a night of boozing with your woman and things start getting weird, you hold a waffle cone under your girls ass while she takes a shit into it. You then take the skinny end of the cone and place it in her snatch, while you fuck the wide end with shit inside of it.
Dude how did it go last night? “Not bad, I ended up giving her a tipsy scoop
by Imabrew17 May 17, 2018
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When you cum on another drunk man
The tipsy snowman was amazing
by Coochie sniff February 7, 2021
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An individual that likes to drink and eat with friends. Drinks usually consist of beer, though not limited to it solely. They enjoy the company of friends and doing shared hobbies together, usually a bit tipsy, provided there is money for beer.
Damn, Rob is one Tipsy Turtle tonight!
by Kev!n July 28, 2010
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