To squirt a liquidusually saline involuntary during a procedure where both people are squirting simultaneously.
You swicked me in the eye with that irrigation during the case.
by Thak April 10, 2020
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Sweet + Sick. What to say when the gravity of the situation does not hit you at first, but you realize mid-pronunciation that the news you have just learned is not just sweet, but sick as well.
"Hey, my girlfriend just sent me a video in her new bikini. Swick."
by Bog McDaulfin May 22, 2019
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Slang word for sick and sweet
Wow that hill was Swick!

Wow that was a sick hill, i mean SWICK HILL!
by -Swick- The MiMe July 11, 2008
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When something is so great, it is sweet and sick at the same time.
Wow! Your new car is swick, man!
by Old_red_eyes November 18, 2019
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The true power of a broken popsicle stick found in an advanced studies class nobody can have except those who split it. There are only three.
Lets season the bridge with the swick
by Swick maker November 13, 2019
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