Someone that would say "what?" after giving them a clear answer
"Why are you so retarded Gerald Billiot"
by blickysquad November 7, 2021
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An anonymous account that creates confession pages and is responsible for cyber bullying on college campuses.
Guy 1: Did you see Gerald's Child's post this morning?
Guy 2: Yea, he was way out of line.
by The mightiest duck December 4, 2013
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The act where you smack your mom in the face with a biscut and fuck your brother
my mom was acting silly so i gave her a big gerald
by johnson perry February 15, 2022
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the coolest and most good looking guy ever.
if u don't know who he is u need to die.
Person 1 : omg gerald gillum is so fucking gorgeous and his voice holy shit
Person 2: who's gerald gillum?
Person 1: die.
by Jokerjokerweedsmoker February 24, 2017
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When a male has a semi or half erection; i.e. your cock is half-mast like a flag when a President dies.
Todd: For some reason I couldn't get it all the way up last night.

Dan: had a Gerald Ford?


Vanessa: You have a Gerald Ford again? Do we have to have sex?
by d b August 30, 2007
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Anything that is to an extreme, esp. in a derogatory manner.
He was madder than Gerald when he locked his keys in his car.
The AC went out, so it was hotter than Gerald.
by Jered Staubs April 14, 2008
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sexiest prettiest thing that will walk the ear
Person-Gerald Price at Frederick High School
by ????????????? February 17, 2005
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