When pleasuring a woman in the doggy-style position, the 'crouching tiger hidden dragon' technique can be utilised. When an inevitable orgasm is forthcoming but not immediately imminent, the man displays the appropriate body-movements and auditory verbalizations to enact a false orgasm. (Note that the doggy-style position is necessary for the completion of this prank.) Before an actual orgasm takes place, during the 'cumming-facade,' the man orally ejects a salival specimen (ie: hocks a loogie) towards the small of the woman's back (ie: where you see the tramp-stamp) in order to convey the belief of seminal release (ie:cumming all over you). When the woman turns around in satisfaction, believing that the complicated act of coitus has come to completion, the man blows his reserved load into her face, taking her by surprise. "crouching tiger, hidden dragon."
crouching tiger hidden dragon
by AudioWeaponSystem December 17, 2010
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A sex move when the male stands on top of a bookshelf, bed, ladder, ect. Then jumps off and lands, dick first, on the female's face. (or male)
Dude: Hey bud, did you fuck that girl you picked up last night?
Bro: I didn't just fuck her, I performed a Crouching Tiger Flying Scrotum on her face.
Dude: Sweet.
by Fuck333 August 8, 2014
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When doggie style sex in a small shower stall requires the woman to crouch down like a tiger to avoid her head from getting rammed into the wall, while the man scrumping her from behind is hidden in the mist of the shower.
Yo bro, that shower was so small I had to bend my bitch over and pound her crouching tiger, hidden dragon style.
by Meat Cleave December 10, 2009
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Crouching blubber hidden tuna ;A 300LB+ female that has massive fat rolls,there's no amount of alcohol that can be consumed to even consider sleeping with this big sloppy mass of blubber,usually has a nasty attitude problem and is joke fodder at the water cooler
Jerk#1 I bet you'd hit that
Jerk#2 no way,I wouldn't hit that with a truck,I bet you'd fuck that big sloppy pig,you'd dive head first into that crouching blubber hidden tuna
Jerk#1 ewwww agghh that's nasty lol
by Burningwreckage July 16, 2016
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adj. a phrase used to describe a straight woman trying to engage intercourse with a FAGGOT.
syn. clueless bitch, desperate whoooore, beard, setting yourself up for failure.
Damn, yo, did you see Kelly? She was really trying to fuck jacob. Talk about crouching cooter hidden faggot!
by ANNA GOSSOWITZ January 24, 2009
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A legendary sex move first mentioned by a character within Will Ferrell's "Old School."

The move itself is not of widespread knowledge, but it consists of a grasshopper like sexual motion and multiple orgasms---every time
Ex: "Did you see that guy over there? I heard he is a master of the Crouching Tiger hidden penis, and thus he gets all the ladies."
by imperialcock March 4, 2009
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The act of sneaking a naggin of vodka into a club for either:
1. Topping up non-alcoholic drinks
2. Going into the bathrooms, doing shots in the cubicle, from the bottle (usually with a friend) for the purpose of getting drunk cheaply
1. "Hmm this needs alcohol"
"I'll do some crouching tiger hidden naggin"

2. "The drinks are expensive here"
"That's okay, come to the bathroom with me for some crouching tiger hidden naggin"
by mitsuko045 February 24, 2008
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