The act of shoving a bottle rocket in your pee hole, and inserting it into a girl's vagina.
I just gave Scott a Cynical Sam.
by Princess TRiZ June 13, 2011
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A large bugga who wont live past 30 because he vapes, eats WAY too many burgers and hates potatoes.
Holy Moly is that Sam Idd or is that a blue whale hahahahahahahahahaha.
by SamIddLover1911 April 26, 2023
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Sam Jones likes jiyoo but she doesn't like him back
by y you wanna know my name October 7, 2020
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help, sam speed just axe murdered someone, it was on the news!
by dannyhawes February 25, 2008
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Sam Schrader- An amazing guy who is a romantic and poetical genius. He can melt your heart with his sweet brown eyes and smooth voice. He writes poems that just pull at every girl's heart strings. He loves to listen to all the good old musicians (The Beatles, The Doors, The Beach Boys, and Bob Dylan). Sam is a very loyal friend and amazing boyfriend. He will do literally anything to make one of his friends happy. He is a very good listener and tries to give good advice too. If you ever meet a guy named Sam Schrader just know he will be one of the nicest people you will ever meet! Btw, he is very attractive! Tall and tan with some good muscle mass! :) Yes indeed Sam Schrader is a good guy to run into!
"Oh I ran into Sam Schrader today,"
by frillynilly May 10, 2012
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Eight bear gays stuffed in a Ford Mustang, smelling each others' fingers while going to an antique shop.
We took a sam brownback and let me tell you, the journey was better than the destination.
by trzz333 November 21, 2013
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