Not adhering to traditional or cultural expectations of their age. An adult who is age-nonconforming may enjoy children's media, dolls, or participating in childish activities. A child who is age-nonconforming may like more mature media or dislike children's media or participate in mature activities. Age-nonconforming may also take the formal of childish or mature attire.
I may be an adult but I like kids' shows and acting childishly. I am age-nonconforming.
by Shugunou February 3, 2023
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Where a bunch of MTG kids go to fight which ends up being broken up by the cops or people jumping in.
MTG Kid 1: Hey are you going to Ag Field? These two kids are gonna fight but i think one of them are gonna back out.
MTG Kid 2: Dude tell them to reschedule it at 7pm instead of 4pm I got to babysit my shithead little brother.
by Saturdays are for the boys October 13, 2017
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When a guy tries to get with a girl but is cock blocked by there age.
"Jim was about to smash Tracy than she said he was too young he totally got age blocked"
"What an age block"
by Dongslinger April 29, 2015
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A New Age Rodeo, an innovation on a traditional sex prank called, "The Rodeo." A New Rodeo is when you are having sex with a girl doggy style and you face time her best friend or sister, or anyone, and have a nice conversation with them for as long as you can until she pulls off. Nobody has been known to get past the 10 second mark.
"Wow! I was with Stacy's mom last night and pulled A New Age Rodeo on her while face timing conferencing her entire family... it was the best ride of my life!!! And there's too!
by Lana Wols February 23, 2018
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when a little kid on the internet fakes their age to be older to seem cool but they clearly aren't that age, the opposite of an old age faker
6-year-old Johnny wanted to chat in a group chat for people 13+ so he faked his age by saying he was 15, yet, he was banned for people figuring him out because he misspelled everything and asked about what some cuss words meant, making him a little age faker
by jay-fandoms March 7, 2019
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The nicest and most layed back teacher in the school but always late.
"yo dude there's the AG Teacher"
"go ask him to come to our class"
"sure dude"

"yo sir, i got AG during period 3, you should come join"
"I'll see, if I don't have classes I'll think about it
by FGSHS Student March 10, 2022
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