the act of spending hours deleting unread emails and unread facebook messages when you could be cleaning the bathroom, doing the washing up and tidying the house.
There are 1,188 unread messages in my facebook inbox, sorry if you sent me a personal message and you've not had a reply. I am about to embark on some serious virtual tidying so I may get back to you.
by climate james October 20, 2010
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From the phrase, 'to have a tidy', meaning to straighten one's clothing, to make oneself neat, or presentable. In men it can also mean to adjust/reposition one's cock and balls (especially necessary on a hot day), usually under the guise of tucking oneself in.
What are you doing with your hands in your trousers? I'm only having a bit of a tidy (noun)!
by LeDiabolique April 15, 2011
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A fat ginger pig who molests his dogs and sucks of his dad then eats his mum's booty for food stamps
Get out my house you george tidy before I ask for my food stamps back
by Gay hippo Peter pan August 3, 2018
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A fat ginger pig who molests his dogs and sucks of his dad then eats his mum's booty for food stamps
Get out my house you george tidy before I ask for my food stamps back
by Gay hippo Peter pan August 3, 2018
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A fat ginger pig who molests his dogs and sucks of his dad then eats his mum's booty for food stamps
Get out my house you george tidy before I ask for my food stamps back
by Gay hippo Peter pan August 3, 2018
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A fat ginger pig who molests his dogs and sucks of his dad then eats his mum's booty for food stamps
Get out my house you george tidy before I ask for my food stamps back
by Gay hippo Peter pan August 3, 2018
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