the king of the monkeys, who is filled with beans, and speaks in a high voice
Mooch likes to hang out on the bed all day long.
by Daddio May 26, 2004
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This can be defined in many ways. One of those being a person that steals your kill. That is the most basic, but there is also a person that comes in after a battle and pumps about one round of SMG into you and you die. Another definition of mooch is a person that takes all of your answers and somehow ends up getting a better grade than you.

Mooch:n:The biggest noob that every one hates and needs to learn to play a game as a legit person or just get your ass off of the game.
"You goddamn mooch!!!! I shot you like ten thousand times!!"
"Uh oh here comes _______ hes gonna kill you with the ultimate noob combo"
"I swear if you mooch this kill I wil rape your ass so hard that you will never return to this game again!"
by spence aka. LiveBlue93 November 9, 2007
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Quite possibly the best gamer that ever lived.
Person A: So I played against Mooch last night.

Person B: Oh yeah? How'd that go?

Person A: Well, you know, it's Mooch. So I stood no chance.
by KGB4EV3R July 15, 2011
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The Biggest Goon Alive, This person is also Raw as a MuthaFxcka
Mooch is Raw
by MoochisRaw January 24, 2011
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1) n. An individual who acquires and uses another's account for commercial porn sites without ever contributing money or returning the favor.

2) n. An individual who refuses to pay for porn, but rather subsists on the seemingly infinite supply of lo-res pictures and truncated, money shot-less clips meant to induce subscriptions. Without use of a proper browser, this usually leads to a porn storm. The search of good porn using this method can often result in succumbing to a porn vortex.
Matt is such a porn mooch! I gave him my login like three months ago, and he changed my password!

Every time you pass by Eric's computer, there's a porn storm. He's such a porn mooch! Why doesn't he just pay for the stuff?
by lugnutwrench July 11, 2008
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