homo sapiens that only want to drink keystone to become a more primal organism
Wow, that guy has so much keystone that he's a keystone species
by Minton Man mukluks April 13, 2023
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When the fuckery is specific to the situation, or easily spotted in the environment.
There was a horrible car accident on 120th street. The local news couldnt figure out what caused it.... However... The speci-fuckery was that some dumb ass decided to hop out of their car and dance in the middle of the intersection .
by Hold'nTbeHeadboard August 8, 2018
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An invasion of European descendants with Pox diseases into America, decimating the Native Americans Indigenous groups, and taking over their land by committing genocide bringing their disease in purpose.
Karen - Ken tells you: Go back to where you came from.
Your comeback can be: You go back where YOU came from you Alien-Specie Pox.
by fckUkaren November 7, 2021
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