thee ultimate in foul language, no one can respond to this or just something you say before your about to kick someone's fuckin teeth in but you have to look real mad for it to work
i love talkin shit to people

you better stop "GLARE" or else

aahh!!! Fuck Shit Cock Ass Titti Boner Bitch Muff Pussy Cock Butthole Barbra Streisand

uuhhh thsorry i cannt tolk
by Suicidal Alcazar July 28, 2009
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a person(s) who constantly suck up to others such as tutors, other students and or employers mainly used in the yorkshire region of England.
She is a right shit sniffing bitch
beth and fran are right shit sniffing bitchs
he's alwasy shit sniffing the boss
by fissymintch November 25, 2010
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When you mess up so bad you say the the first words that come to your head. You may say this when:
1. You spill water on something important.
2. You say ´hi´ to someone you thought was someone else.
3. Your computer dies when you are working on something and it doesn´t save
4. You reread the first sentence and realize there was two thes.
A: *Hits their knee a chair.
A: fuck shit bitch motherfucker.
by WOWIE SANS!!!!! January 6, 2023
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another name for an annoying girl with a brown birthmark on her face
jayden: look, it’s the shit faced bitch
by shaq biatch November 3, 2019
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A person who stinks so bad that you just want to kill them.
Fish Smellin Ass Latasha- Watsup Sexy Can I Suck Yo Dick
Me- YOU SHIT DICK BITCH! (Yells Very Loudly) If You Don't Get The Fuck Away From Me
Fish Smellin Ass Latasha - (She tries to touch me)
Me - (I Kill Latasha With Some Soap And Deodorant Repeliant)
by Keivon Moesley January 16, 2018
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saying the word shit cause something went wrong then saying bitch in away were your cussing everyone out including yourself but not offending anyone in the process
by rawrmeowpurrlove:D December 11, 2010
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A saying that you say to annoying, sexist males. Upon saying this you may castrate them and turn them more into the dominant race, the female. This can also be used as a name meaning 'you ain't got no Dick you pussy'.
Ex1. Shit bitch. You ain't need be such a sexist pig.

Ex2. Hey! Shit Bitch! Come over here!
by (Pandalover) May 6, 2014
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