Your eyes when your hair is dark and they stick out.
Oh wow she has some pooping peepers!
by notfoyotono October 19, 2012
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A person or designer who inspects the seams of garments while in a store in order to gain information about how the article of clothing was constructed.
I think that dirty little seam peeper is checking more than price tags.
by Lagerfeld January 7, 2011
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He was given his peepering which consisted of having sex with the fattest and ugliest girl he could find. One should never enjoy their peepering.
by Plerry Shmurden September 17, 2013
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A name that is used for naming a Man (or in the case of a female Miss/Mrs. Peepers) that sits outside of the home/office window and stares at you like the creepy bastard that he/she is.
Person 1: Hey whos that looking in the window!

Person 2: Damn, Mr. Peepers! They do this ALL THE TIME!
by Look what I can do January 2, 2012
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A very larger peeper that’s black or a very large nose
Arnie kept getting in sisters buisness “Damn son keep your peeper out of my business!” Very large peeper

Big black peeper
by Mrs asznee April 4, 2018
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A pour of beer that consists of mainly foam and not much beer. It is frequently used as a method to remove all carbonation from the drink. However, it is also seen as by many to be highly detrimental to the beer taste.
Person 1: Hey did you see Colin last night? He gave my girlfriend a peeper pour at the bar!”
by Washer32345 May 21, 2022
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