Due to being of a similar shape, a penis is referred to as a "leather flute"
Bob: "Sandy is such a good musician, she was playing the leather flute all night long."
by ISRNNY December 9, 2013
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Big loud muffler, usually seen on crappy import cars (Honda Civic for example) with small engines.
Damn man, did you see that ricer do a fly-by with his gook flute Honda? That car is SLOW!
by Anuskasvo January 28, 2009
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A small talking flute from the popular show of the 60's HR Pufnstuf. He is golden and sparkly. He lives In Jimmy's back pocket.
Freddie: HR what's wrong with Jimmy?
HR Pufnstuf: I am not sure freddie the flute, Jimmy why you walking that way?
by HRPufnstuffer March 16, 2008
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When you are licking a person's asshole and you blow air into his or her anus, resulting in a long fart.
"I shot a quick pan flute up her ass and she blasted it back in my face."
by Bigger Spoon July 29, 2017
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Look, another guy in a fedora sucking on a douche flute!
<puff>, <hat tip>, "M'lady..."
by fivebags July 11, 2015
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A penis blown, kissed and sucked upon by a gay.
Your good friend Harvey was blowing on the ole AIDS Flute last night. Got a mouth full of jism.
by Captain Stool May 25, 2013
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When a girl sucks a guys balls sideways, while she jerks him off with both hands, like she's playing the flute.
Yo, that girl from the party last night gave me the best dirty flute I've ever had!
by Kristina witha k March 20, 2012
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