Girl: I can’t believe you got back with your cheating ex. That’s a dumbo move
by Creator of dumbo May 10, 2020
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Girl: I can’t believe you got back with your ex. That’s a dumbo move
by Creator of dumbo May 10, 2020
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when a girl shits on your dick while watching dumbo the elephant on tv and does a backflip
by dumboSmasher99 August 10, 2018
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Regarding fighting (Mixed Martial Arts, MMA, UFC or Boxing) when a fighter is punched in the head so that, in slow motion, you see his cauliflower ears flap around like the animated Disney character "Dumbo".
He was hit so hard in the head his ears started to flap. He was Dumbo punched!
by brokenlegmike March 16, 2014
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