the same as "cock blocker", but used when the word "cock" is inappropriate.
*two high school students making out behind the school*

Lady: Do you know the nearest way to a shoe store?

Girl: Omg. Yeah.*blah blah blah blah blah*

Boy: What a cog blogger. >__>
by rymenoceres September 5, 2011
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A person with the heritage of aboriginal Australia and dutch decent.
"aye look it's that dirty black cog wog" -jade
by theonlyblackclogwog December 25, 2017
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An asshole with longhair that goes to clubs with his friends and only gets guys numbers.
Wow we went to the club with john and he got like 12 guys numbers and no girls. Hes such a rooster cog-burn
by Kfedex123433 November 25, 2011
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the most intense dare ever to be wielded by anyone. cannot back out of it no matter what or chaotic things will happen.
DUDE! I double dog triple frog quadruple hog quintuple log sextuple blog septuple clog octuple old grog nonuple cog decaple flog duodecaple fast jog tredecaple prologue dare you to stick your dick in the blender.
by Keepo123 September 8, 2015
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A very mysterious and elusive show/phenomenon of mass proportions~!

these webisodes are not only chock full of entertainment but educational in the field of pornogrophy sounds and insightful interviews! not to mention F-WORD!!!!!!
I need to catch up on my Cog On webisodes before the next edition.

I would watch Cog On to get my "cog on."
by Cog On Lover October 14, 2009
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A part of a machine that's stooped in nature. Or a person who's been fucked one too many times and needs a good colonic to rinse out all the left over DNA
"That there is a stooped" or
"That boys a stooped cog"
by XKing C0TT0Nx April 29, 2022
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When you are in a state of intense thinking ,where metaphorically, the cogs in your brain are turning.
"Oh you are trying to get that Wordle? Better get cogging."
by Emma Woodroof September 28, 2022
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