The only place where it's normal to talk like this:

"Let me paak the caah, ok?"
"That movie was fookin gaa-bage!"
"Who faated?"
"I'm gooin daan to the bessment."
Welcome to Baaston, where we learn to talk without moving our lips!
by bigtones July 25, 2005
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The area code is 617. The home of the Celtics and the illest studz and femz!!! It is better known as "Beantown" or "Da Bean", where only the strong survive...early! Peeps be sleepin on da Bean acting like we aint gangsta...we on the map now SON...early!!!
Idiot: Boston is nothing but rich snobby white kids going to good colleges.

The Informer: Boston is not just what you see on TV!!! You need to go to the hood like Dorchester, Roxbury, and Mattapan--then come holla at me pimpin!!!
by BeantownsBoo October 17, 2005
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Boston is a city in a freezing cold part of America which no one give's a rat's ass about anymore. Bitter at being the younger, retarded cousin of New York, Bostonians are incredible bitches at every possible interval. The fans of their sports teams are the most obnoxious in the world (see Red Sox, New England Patriots, Boston Celtics ... hell, even the Revolution), and when these teams come to town, fans of other teams groan - not because they hate the team, because they'll be heckled by douchebag fans.
Person #1: Why is Jack such a douchebag?
Person #2 (in response): He's from Boston.
by Nubcakes Smith December 14, 2007
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A city in eastern Massachusetts. That's where Cheers is at. For the most part the weather is just like Philadelphia. Except a little colder.
See, I told you Boston was a little colder than Philadelphia Denise.
by JOOOOOON September 4, 2005
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1. City in Massachusetts
2. The name of a very un-awesome person.
"look that person must be named boston because he's definitely NOT awesome in any way, shape or form"
by jht890 April 7, 2012
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worst city ever. full of scummy red sox fans who have no respect for anyone outside their city and for those who dont like the red sox or patriots (both awful teams). their accent is annoying as hell and girls dont find it sexy at all, girls with boston accents are repulsive. only nice part of the city is the historical district everywhere else is full of bums or scum..aka bostonians. Yankees rule. red sox suck. NYC > Boston.
The city of Boston will hopefully sink below sea level and take its godawful accent with it.
by CMJAAC September 14, 2006
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A twn in Lincolnshire, England. It is paired with Boston, America. We have random saying and we talk in weird ways. For example - Computer - Copoota
The Boston in America is named after this one in England ( i think)
Boston is a terrbible place.
by Carl Jennigs October 4, 2006
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