A large man who frequently asks other men (usually hetrosexual) if they "fancy a bum".
Big gay following asked me if I fancied a bum the other day
by bigstraightfollowing May 30, 2008
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There is a theory that the BIG GAY is actually a virus that was released by the Gay Bomb created by the Crystal Queers back in WWII. The virus would make its host hallucinate, making the host think that the same gender is actually the opposite. But it doesnt make the host hallucinate a woman or man, it makes them hallucinate a hard to tell crossdresser also known as a trap. And because of this, it makes the host a Big Gay hence the virus being called the G-Virus aka the Gay-Virus. It is also known that the G-Virus makes the hand you use to masterbate the most and makes it into a fap hand sandwitch and it also makes it sentient. It also grows a large eyeball, acting as the arm's eyes to watch you sleep and masterbate.
Person 1: Bro have you ever heard about The Big Gay Theory?
Person 2: Isn't that a sho-
*Gay Bomb Explodes out of nowhere*
*The G-Virus infects both of them*
Person 1: Man is that a hot japanese school girl?
Person 2: Is that a hot japanese cheerleader?
Person 1: Lets have sex right now.
*removes trousers*
*sees pee pee*
Person 1: Its actually a boy and thats gay but its face looks like a girl so it doesnt make me gay!
*after long Big Gay sex*
*realizes they dont actually look like grills*
Person 1: Oh no I have space aids.
Person 2: Oh no I am the Big Gay.
by Faggottini Holocaust February 2, 2019
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Friend- You're gay lmao
You- Ricochet the big gay
*Friends head explodes instantly and an anime girl appears and sucks your dick*
by homosexual'nt July 11, 2018
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big gay balls is when you have massive homosexuality and your balls are really gay aswell
damn, sam has got really big gay balls today
by samuel mackintosh July 13, 2020
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a gay character from south park colorado who loves boy scouts cares for animals and doesnt molest children just cause hes gay
by hagdskld November 12, 2006
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