When, in a game, usually Call Of Duty, as a last defense, toss all of your hand grenades in an effort to clear out an area, or at least get some kills.
Player 1: Dude, we're surrounded by Nazi Zombies!!!
Player 2: nade storm?
Player 1: Hell yeah!
by tehpronoob October 25, 2011
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A term used for the grenade launcher in the game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. it is referred to as nub, because it is EXTREMELY easy to get kills with, as u can bounce the nades off walls. AKA: noobtube, noobstick, noobsock, glauncher, nn.
stupid nubnader: haha! i got highest fragger!
ETplayer: only cos u used the nub nade, num nuts *geez*
by 0loc0 October 11, 2006
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When playing first-person shooter games with friends, the "Swifty Nade" is the act of tossing a grenae into an area populated by your teammates, waiting a few seconds and then saying "Oh, Grenade.." just a second or so before it goes off, killing everyone in the room.

Especially popular during games of Capture the flag while playing Halo or Halo 2.

See Also: Teamkilling Fucktard
"I had the flag all the way back at our base, but then we got Swifty Naded and the other team returned. Fucker."
by Ripp January 28, 2005
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a player who had uses nades as his primary weapon, but not a spammer.
In a game he will eliminate his enemy with nades till he runs out, in games where he can "pick-up" more he will often chose a places to be on defense or offense based on the number of spawn points for nades.

a nade whore may also use timing of spawns to nade a player who has spawned and he know will come back for him

a example of this is

Sniper frags enemy

*waits 7 seconds* tosses nade kills enemy

enemy: SPAMMER!!

sniper: no i timed you
by CoD4-Sniper-pro xD August 10, 2010
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A preferred method of instant rape in the Halo series of console FPS games. Occurs when a plasma grenade delivered by a very lucky or highly skilled thrower directly contacts the body of an opponent. The grenade then gives the new owner a death omen in the form of a small beep and explodes miliseconds later, killing instantly without regard to the state of health. Overshield cannot even protect. It's arguably the most satisfying form of cornholing in all of Halo, especially if done across the map. Comparables are Killamonzaros, no scope beatdowns, mouthy 12-yr-old halo t-bagging, bulltrues, and zeit skeets.
Hart: "No scope beatdown I'm one in a mil."

Pigster: "Quit campin Hart, tell me you saw that plasy nade stick across the map."

Hart: "cool. Rape sauce."
by MilliganMan April 19, 2008
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a noob in fps video games (such as halo 3 or COD4) that has no skill and throws grenades like mad as his only way of getting kills.
"OMG these H4x0r faggots, i keep getting killed by random grenades. What a bunch of fucking nade monkeys."
by golfandlax July 11, 2008
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