A fear man or woman who allegedly is the head of the new age Detroit Mafia, news is he/she brought it back
Dondetta The Don brung back the Detroit Mafia
by Anonymous7783 June 23, 2021
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When you wrap your legs around the person's waist and squeeze as hard as you can.

He did the Don-python!
by Don chertt June 10, 2011
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To fuck a broad and cum in less than 12 seconds
I Don Dilly'd that sexy girl the other night....she didn't even feel my dick.
by Don Dilly September 17, 2014
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A very chunky shit (usually taken after consuming mexican food) resembling the physique of Rosie O'Donnell.
"I don't feel so good...I feel a chunky don coming on"
by aps12345 September 28, 2017
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Guy with a big dick. Women usually run from its size. Certified asshole and alcoholic. Usually one who has seen all and done all.
I have don rusty it.
by crod20162017 December 20, 2016
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