Cry Baby Powers are a type of psychic Superpowers used in the movie: K-12

Known Users: Crybaby, Angelita, Celeste, Magnolia, Fleur, Ben, Lilith
Bitch, if you don't stop that shit I'll use Cry Baby Powers you ugly
by DaddyChimedInGoForTheThroat September 16, 2021
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When you are just so sad that you have the overwhelming to need to masturbate
Or used as an excuse to go masturbate at a sad event such as a funeral
Brother: Hey Greg, grandma just died
Greg: oh my god, I need to go cry one out!!
Brother: gross dude
by Bratboy207 August 26, 2018
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When you finish a show (mainly anime) with a happy, sappy, cheesy, or just overall normal ending and you automatically cry. Self-diagnosable.
“Yeah, last night when I finished ‘Run with the Wind’ I just automatically cried. The same thing happened when I finished watching every season of Free!, Hunter x Hunter, OHSHC, Clannad....almost anything I watch really. Pretty sure I have crying bitch disease.”
by MoonstoneAlch_ April 7, 2019
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When you feel ostracized from society and sad at the same time
I was being such a cry alien yesterday. :( didn’t leave the house the entire day:/
by feelinmoodz February 7, 2023
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Friends, family, and foes who live their whole lives based on all things Ashley. As in WWAD. What would Ashley do?

Or gosh I wish I was Ashley.
Did you download the new Ashley App?
Did you see those cry ass babies made a whole urban dictionary word just for me.
You would think they were adults, but no they are some cry ass babies.
by THEREALGIANT January 21, 2023
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An alternation for "Christ sakes" for when you have verbal communication issues that day and can't talk right.
You can't do that for crying snakes!
by CaramelloKoala October 31, 2015
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