Grabbing ones balls, from behind, while they are bowing.
While the emperor bowed, the president gave him an Oriental Handshake.
by February 18, 2023
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When I had sex with her for the first time I had to be a gentleman and give her holes a handshake.
by Caulkcogan October 18, 2020
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Glassing, to smash a glass bottle or beverage vessel across another persons head
Did you hear about Mick? He copped a Gold Coast handshake last night, had to go to hospital for stitches.
by DaNashinator November 11, 2022
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Originating in Hackensack, MN. Generally performed on out of towners as they pass through or other unsuspecting morons.

It is performed by first extending you hand as if to give a handshake before swiftly kicking or kneeing your target in the groin. When they double over, you then finish the act by smacking the kickee in the face.
"Man, what happen to your face?"
"Some hick got me with the Hackensack Handshake on our way to Bemidji."
by WayzataRules May 3, 2018
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To knowingly or unknowingly shake someone's hand directly after having a shit without washing ur hands, the other person might be too embarrassed to sniff their hands after the shit handshake.
I'm gonna give him/her a shit handshake.
by villos69 February 9, 2017
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A sweater vest with a hood lacking a zipper, found in Canada, specifically Saskatchewan where the term originated. Closely related to the Bunny Hug also from Saskatchewan.
Wow did you see Dexter from phi kappa deltoid rocking that nice rabbit handshake daddy bought him.
by circlejerkafrat April 5, 2018
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It's a Pythonic word of how when a Boy Python, Female Panda, Bearded Lizard Snake and a Girl Anaconda meet, they make a Padnacondira.
Your Girlfriend and Best Friend gave me a 256-way-handshake yesterday, while we were walking your dog.
by Textpectator July 7, 2021
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