A test, such as a Drug Test or STD Test, where you need to piss or secrete into a container or tube for the purpose of:

a) a Medical Exam
b) a Drug Test
c) an STD Test
d) a Piss Test.
He says it wasn't his, but we're gonna test his jizz. No way Bro's passing this Fluids Quiz.

I can't piss hot for my PO, I ain't gonna fail that Fluids Quiz! Hell No!
by AdamGoodBet September 3, 2021
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A test, such as a Drug Test or STD Test, where you need to piss or secrete into a container or tube for the purpose of:

a) a Medical Exam
b) a Drug Test
c) an STD Test
d) a Piss Test.
He says it wasn't his, but we're gonna test his jizz. No way Bro's passing this Fluids Quiz.

I can't piss hot for my PO, I ain't gonna fail that Fluids Quiz! Hell No!
by AdamGoodBet September 3, 2021
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1, a super friendly and lovable yet apparently miserable fox

2, a person who works crazy hours with overtime and no breaks because they can

3, 🥺👉👈 UwU
Alpha no you Beta don’t! ~Arty Quiz
by Lilrocka July 8, 2022
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"Very Christian Quiz" is a Kahoot Series Created by Brandon Morgan in 2018, The Creator Says that he has future plans for the series.
DUDE: Hey did you hear about that kahoot series "Very Christian Quiz"
OTHER DUDE: Oh yeah man it's so cool
by MaxamusName December 30, 2020
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A game that finds out if you're a liberal, a hypocrite, another Hillary Clinton, or none of the aforementioned.

You might be a liberal if:
1. You find any one of these words objectional: hell, damn, butt, fart, poop, crap, sex, shut up.
2. You consider Donald Trump sexist for the things he said in 2005.
3. You consider Donald Trump racist because he wants to get rid of illegal immigrants.
4. You think there are more than two genders.
5. You protest by blocking roads and rioting.
6. You support Hillary Clinton -- in any way, in any shape, under any circumstance, no matter what you think about her.
7. You think double standards are 100% a way to go!
8. You have ever worn a tee and sweatpants to church.
9. You have ever started a school shooting.
10. You are obsessed with your ex.

If at least any 6 of these 10 things apply to you, you are a liberal! If at least any 8 of these 10 things apply to you, you are a hypocrite! However, if all of these 10 things apply to you, you are Hillary Clinton, reincarnated!
According to The Liberal Quiz, I am not a liberal and I'm proud of not being one!!
by dangnuggets November 22, 2016
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