Room or space within the workplace afforded to the employees of progressive companies to enable, primarily, sexual relief via masturbation. Corporate value is to minimize sexual harassment claims.
Hey George, can you take a.break and visit the Personal Stress Relief Room (PiSSeR)--I need you to unload so we could focus out here
by Baby Ratt November 18, 2017
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An oxymoron where by a person is promised support or relief, but in fact, they receive nothing. Covid relief is typically promised to those who are in dire need of support. The person promising covid relief never has intentions of giving relief. And, thus, the person expecting it can be strung along continously by mearly saying, "Just wait! Its coming!" The person waiting, being desperate, will cling to hope knowing no one could be so cruel as to continually promise covid relief.

Covid relief is a tactic used by politicians as a way to drive out competition. They will promise covid relief, allow a small business to fail, then replace the small business with one they have a vested interest.
Congressman Dorney Clark promised covid relief to a local restaurant while investing in a competitive restaurant chain located next door.
by Iamthecat32 December 12, 2020
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The worst guard shift in the world. It means that you get to be up in the early hours of the morning and when you go back to sleep you only get about 2 hours.
Hey man, I got put on second relief tonight...
by sebadoh May 24, 2004
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A class that a person or student( typical a college one) takes that they know will get them an easy A.

A relatively easy class a student takes so it can help bring there GPA.
"Last semester , I took Art History as an elective an got an A+ in it. " "Best relief class I ever took and it brought my GPA to 3.0!
by La French January 29, 2016
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After drinking or taking drugs, your mouth often goes dry, known as 'spud.' In this situation, a drink is known as 'spud relief' as it helps to solve the problem.
"After that weed i'm in need of some major spud relief!
by bobdoesntknowwhattosay October 14, 2009
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Refers to an utterly despicable "taking His name in vain" strategy, whereby you --- having previously either promised someone intimacy if he'd spend money on you, or used a similar promise to strip off and/or spread your legs as "collateral" in case you're unable to pay back a loan that you ask of him --- subsequently claim to have "gotten religion" and are therefore concerned that "He would not approve" of adultery/fornication, and thus you no longer feel that you should have to honor your promise of sexual favors.
The spiritual debt-relief ploy is one of the oldest and most pathetically disgraceful schemes for obligation-free mooching that the world has ever known, and has probably turned countless multitudes of disgruntled people off of established religion. About the only time that this strategy might be at all justified would be if you've gotten unwillingly dragged into obligation by an advantage-taking credophile during a moment of financial desperation, and are unable to pay him back despite your best efforts.
by QuacksO August 10, 2018
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When a man lights and smokes a cigarette while peeing outside.
The best part of smoking is having a relief light.
by Rajtinka January 21, 2014
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