Nothing. Equivelant to "Jack Shit".
I can't see jack razzle.
by Casbah February 23, 2008
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An especially zesty raspberry— you know, the kind where you stick out your tongue and spit.
The children were especially fond of serenading my presence with their Razzle McDazzles.
by Username Checks Out October 31, 2018
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Similar to the word Rang, but only a Razzle/Razzu has sexual intercourse with any and everything for no particular reason.(Can be applied to males, females, and transexuals)
by Phillip Simmons August 4, 2005
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To give one the ol' razzle dazzle you must hit them with a little bit of this and a little bit of that. It is most commonly used by males as a gesture to females to attract them or make them feel satisfied. The ol' razzle dazzle can also be used on fellow males to get them discombobulated and susceptible to confusion.
If she say "stop" then stop. If she say "uuhh sshhhhttoooooiiioopp" then you better hit her with the OL' RAZZLE DAZZLE.
by Gianni James July 20, 2017
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It means it's time to razzle and dazzle. And to just dump a bucket of sparkles on somebody.
Lance/Me: Hey Dash.
Dash: Yeah?
Lance/Me: You know what time it is?
Dash: ..4:30pm?
Dash: Oh no..
Lance/Me: *dumps a bucket of sparkles on Dash*
by .~*+ Lance McClain +*~. August 24, 2019
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A sexual act in which a guy is having sex with his girlfriend who is on her period. In retalliation, he dumps a box of glitter in her vag.
Peter: Dude, last night Cindy got so mad at me.
Bob: Why?
Peter: I "razzle dazzle"d her because the bitch didn't tell me she was on the rag.
by Ripper13catie April 24, 2009
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