Relax, Go call on the Diddler Shepard to get the pedophiles out of the way
by ok i will do it May 24, 2018
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the best boyfriend ever like wow
he’s quite weird but funny affff 😍😍
everyone: woah do you go out with alex shepard

me: yeahh

everyone: wow ur lucky bruh
by pineapplesarepeng1234 October 28, 2019
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Inspired by the Bezos rocket; the male penis.
“I believe New Shepard is ready for lift off!”
I believe New Shepard is ready for lift off!”
by PeteSapp July 20, 2021
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Being intoxicated to the point where one begins to throw up. Either from drinking too much alcohol or smoking to much cannabis. Or a combination of both.
"Man, Visch is so drunk right now", "Yeah, he's totally Sheparding out!"
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The act of vomiting and using said vomit for lube to Jack off with; then vomiting a second time in pure disgust with yourself.
I came across an accident scene the other day and saw a hot chick with two broken legs on the ground. Confused with my feelings, I gave myself a dirty shepard.
by SoiledDove October 4, 2023
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