molly’s are the COOLEST BITCHES but don’t call them guacamolly because they’ll get a bit mad... anyways stream santa baby for clear skin xxxx
omg molly is so cool and she loves santa baby
by mollys bestie October 29, 2020
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An intoxicating gal that will get any guy who hooked on her
"That boy is real hooked on that sophomore."
" For real tho. Her name is Molly and she pulls!"
by Raghav A. August 11, 2018
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An Angel who doesn't realize it yet.

Molly is focused, hard working, driven. Yet, at the same time, she is compassionate, loving, generous and forgiving. These qualities rarely coexist in the same person. She is utterly, genuinely and sincerely a gift from God.

A person with the name Molly is tall, with brown angel eyes and reddish/brown hair. She is beautiful and loving. She likes to cuddle, snuggle, spoon, and fall asleep while watching movies.

Ed: Hey Corkie, how do you feel when you're around your gf Molly?

Corkie: Well Ed, I can only describe it as follows:

Whenever she crosses paths with someone, they are compelled to feel and say the following

"The thought of you makes my heart flutter, puts a smile on my face, and a skip in my step. Your presence brightens the dullest occasion, the cloudiest day, the darkest night! Your voice is like a thousand angels beckoning me from above,.
You, all of you, is what makes me smile and realize how lucky I am to have you in my life, and how fortunate the world is to have such a wonderful, incredible person in it's presence!"


I love you
I need you
I want you
I miss you
by Corkie823 May 2, 2010
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A magical song that makes Nightblue3 have magical skills that rival Fakers and is chanted like this ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ MOLLY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ,Molly was at first rejected by Nightblue but then he accepted the way of the Molly and is now TSM's jungle sub.It is unknown what the affects of Molly are on people other than Nightblue.
Nightblue got a 2v5 pentakill when he was blasting Molly
by Warden117 February 15, 2014
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Molly is an amazing, beautiful girl with blonde hair. She always seems happy, but is sad on the inside. She is so freakin hot, but guys don't usually fall for her. She is shy around most people, but is funny and crazy around her closest friends. She is very trustworthy, but she is never sure who her true friends are. She is super smart and nice to everyone. If you don't already have a Molly, become her friend right away. You are all missing out on her amazingness.
Girl 1- OMG there's the new girl. She's so nice and beautiful!
Girl 2- You're totally right. That new girl Molly is amazing.

Guy 1- Damn, who is that girl. She's so quiet, but cute
Guy 2- Dude, that's Molly. Go and ask her out.
Guy 1- No way, she's too quiet.
by Ppmmmppppmm June 5, 2013
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A very beautiful girl, thought of as perfect and awesome. She knows where her priorities lie. She is a hard worker, but still has fun with the work, and fun to be around. She is athletic and is loved by many and gets along with everyone. She is a great listener, you could go to her anytime for anything. At times she doesn't see her self as beautiful on the outside. But she always knows that she is beautiful within.
That girl is so Molly.
by Vanilla Gangster October 10, 2010
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A blonde/brunette who is very talkative, can be shy at first but when you get to know her...BOOM.
Molly's are very loving but get attached easy and are usually looking for someone to settle down with.
They are intelligent in some things and like to have FUN...Oh and did i mention they are perfect...everyone should be called Molly end of.
OH and its also a dogs name.
girl 1:"WOW! She is perfect..."
girl 2:"YEAH! She must be a Molly!"
girl 1:"i want to be called Molly!"
girl 2:"my dogs called Molly..."
*awkward silence*
by Glen Coco's Bitch March 5, 2013
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