A literal god that will continue Stephen Hawking's studies and will save us all. Also a reincarnation of Albert Einstein himself.
normal uneducated person: Lil pump is trash
educated person: Lil pump is GOD
by dogehecks March 22, 2018
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A cool ass rapper, and main word he says is ESKETIT
Guy 1 "yo bro did you see lil pumps new song Gucci gang"
Guy 2 "yeah man it's LIT..........ESKETIT "
by Daddydicksuck December 21, 2017
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Literally the GOAT in the rap game. Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang, Gucci Gang.
Hey yo you seen lil pump latley?
Yeah he’s the fuckin GOAT
by EvanF1 February 4, 2018
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A retarded rapper who has nothing better to do with his life than make a hella lot of noise with his so called "music".
Guy1: Who is your idol?

Guy2: Lil pump yo! Who else?

Guy1: Good luck finding new friends bro.
by Oi_Itz_the_Greeish_Idiot December 17, 2020
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Lil Pump, aka Lillium Pumpernickel is a highly viewed intellectual being of divine clout status. He has gained much praise for his innovating contributions to hip hop and only says phrases like "esskeetit" and "bitch" which show his clever use or the structural English technique of repitition. He often collaborates with fellow rap god, Smokepurrp: another intellectual, intelligent young man, who talks about audis and thots. Both men enjoy the act of inhaling pot through ones mouth, and indulge in the sipping of lean to make them feel good. They are smart people.
Nigga 1: i luv lil pump esskeetit on dis bih mah nibbah 70 niggeh amirite essskkeetitt skksketit skrrt skrrt
Niggesa 2: yes
by nibba.on.my.wigga November 14, 2018
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A socially awkward rich white boy that gets no pissy with his stank ass beat. He usually likes to flex on his fans and brag about his items. Small penis is common among these people
Damn, he’s been acting like a lil pump
by sean_the FaZe lover May 9, 2018
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