Like Netflix and chill, but for guys that are friendzoned
Guy: Hey you wanna Netflix and chill?
Girl: You mean Hulu and hug right because we're friends and I don't want to ruin that.
Guy: Sure, that's what I meant.
by C3rb3rus_Prim3 December 11, 2015
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Someone who sits around all day and watches hulu. Chances are this person owns a tv but never turns it on. They know when their favorite tv shows will be uploaded onto the site but have no idea when they actually air on tv.
"Did you see last Friday's 'The Office'?"
"'The Office' airs on Thursdays. You are such a hulu-whore!"
by i_am_blizzard March 26, 2010
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After people began to catch on that the slang term "Netflix and Chill" meant sexual activity. People replaced it with "Hulu and Relax", a little bit of a joke and a little bit serious. Its used in away so you discussion of sexual activity is watered down and isn't obvious.
Jack: Hey sarah wanna come over for Hulu and Relax?
Jill: Oh yeah I'll be right over.
Jack: Alright I'm getting horny already.
by Mushroompizza1 August 22, 2015
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The endless, round and round action of cycling through Hulu shows, after you've already watched everything you want.
"What are you doing tonight?"
"Eh, probably watching House and then Hulu Hooping for something else".

"Dude, I was so bored yesterday that I Hulu Hooped for two hours looking for something to watch".
by marliemellow October 13, 2009
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When you're too cheap to pay for Netflix but not poor enough to rent from RedBox at your local Wal-Mart.
My girlfriend wanted to Netflix and chill, but I spent my last paycheck buying cartoon porn and had to resort to hulu and handjobs.
by arosi April 4, 2016
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Much like "Netflix and Chill."
While watching Hulu and having sex. Surprise your partner with an anal Dill Pickle.
Person 1: Dude, I'm going to ask my girl to Hulu and Dill!

Person 2: Mannnn, be careful. I hear that can cause 18 years of having money taken out of your checks!

Person 1: I'm just excited to see how the room is going to smell afterwards!
by TDMCRo2 January 12, 2017
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