Usually used as For The Win or Fuck The World.

In this case, Free The Whales.
Tim: FTW *waves sign with a whale on, about*
Ellie: ftw?
Tim: FREE THE WHALES!!!!!!!!!
by WHALES!!! July 29, 2010
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Fucking Time Wasters. Someone who wastes your time.
Those FTW were wasting my time.
by ishtarboy July 8, 2009
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An interjection meaning "Fut the wuck," a clever play of words off of "what the fuck."
Doctor: You have down syndrome.
Dude with down syndrome: FTW!
by proletaryat May 29, 2008
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Acronym For the Win. Usually used in forums and other online messaging. Sometimes used seriously but mostly sarcastically or in jesting
Guy 1: Whats better, Halo or Half Life?
Guy 2: Half Life FTW!
by whgresiak July 3, 2007
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Fuck The World. Organized crime of hundreds of kids in canada.
-Yo, you see dem ft-dubs(ftw) over there wit dems cars homie?
-Ye. you know they choppin dem off
by robbyD August 12, 2007
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For a Salesperson, an FT (short for FTW) is someone that comes to the shop only to ask about a product, with no intention of buying.
by jatigre1 April 5, 2011
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