bho (butane hash oil), a medicinal marijuana product extracted from the plant and concentrated into a smokable oil. also an adjective to describe the mind state of those who smoke bho or "dabs"
"yo bitch, come over to my crib and hit some dabs with me."
"those guys were all dabbed out" "lets listen to some dubstep and smoke dabs until my mom gets home."
by mermonkey April 8, 2012
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when you fool or prank someone, they are dabbed
Hahaha, you just got dabbed!
by thelimebean February 28, 2018
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one pound sterling. A Euro dab is a Euro.
by chambe02 September 7, 2009
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DAB is an acronym for drunk ass bitch. It is usually used to refer to a woman who drinks excessive amounts of alcohol, and proceedingly acts trashy, obnoxious, bitchy, or simply idiotic.
Oh look, Tracy just did 10 shots of Jose Cuervo, and now she's dancing on the table in only her underwear and telling everyone that she has a really bad case of crabs... such a dab.
by Whyhello Sir February 8, 2011
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The common dab (Limanda limanda) is an edible flatfish of the family Pleuronectidae. It is a demersal fish native to shallow seas around Northern Europe, in particular the North Sea, where it lives on sandy bottoms down to depths of about 100 metres (330 ft).
The Danish man caught quite the big dab on his trip.
by Haychez April 16, 2016
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Delete A Bitch
dab it out
Brenda: OMG that fuckboi Justin just sent me a K.
Me: God Brenda just DAB
by Birch_br April 3, 2016
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A Drunk- Ass Bitch
Friend 1: "Oh, man, I'm so hungover."
Friend 2: " Yeah, you were such a dab last night!"
by freethefire July 14, 2015
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