An Australian term meaning to throw a tantrum, get upset, or over react to something.

Or in other terms "chuck a wobbly", "cracking the shits", "spat the dummy".
"Dad really chucked the shits when he found out I took his car last night!"

"Better clean that up before Mum sees it, or she'll really chuck the shits!"
by Sailorsblue April 29, 2016
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A phrase giving expression to objection, disgust or defiance in response to an act or statement.
Statement: "A cop gave me a speeding ticket the other day"
Response, "Chuck that shit in the bush"
by Cameron Reynolds May 19, 2006
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The act of leaving/forgetting an item (i.e., coffee mug, pen , pad) in someone's private space.
Stop Chuck Shitting in my office!

Why do you constantly have to keep Chuck Shitting in my living room?!
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An item (i.e. coffee mug) that someone forgets in your private space (on my desk in my office)
Stop leaving your Chuck Shit in my office!

What's all this Chuck Shit in my room!
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The urgent need to release a big poop.
Eddy: Fuck man my stomach hurts...
Jackson: What's wrong?
Eddy: Need to chuck a mad shit, that's what!
Jackson: Get the fuck out then cunt! No wonder it stinks in here.
by Motorrad Hermes August 14, 2017
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