A name derived from the Masoretic Hebrew name Ezra, meaning absent. Although the name is Greco-Latin, the name is typically given to Hispanic males, usually from Central or South America, and is often used to describe smart, funny, and loyal people, who are often very teasing, but are sweet and caring down at the core of their beings. An Esdras is typically a good friend to talk to when you're down, as they are very good listeners and naturally empathetic people.

An Esdras will most always be in the company of people who they believe will be there for them forever, because of their subconscious desires for a committed relationship.

A man named Esdras also tends to be dubbed as the "hoe" (or any derogative term) or the group, due to the fact that they can get a little cocky sometimes and need to be reminded that they aren't THAT much better than the rest of us.
Person 1: Wow, your friend sounds so great, his name should be Esdras forsure!

Person 2: Pfft, yeah my bitch is pretty great.
by TumblrBot42 October 30, 2013
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Esdras J. Cruz is a young man with a classic comb-over who may be quiet, but will have a lot to say if you incite a conversation especially with football ("soccer" if you live in the US), science, math, FIFA, or even Minecraft. His absolute favorite meal is a Philadelphia Cheese Steak Sandwich with an ice cold apple cider. He's an American with Native and European ancestry, but is very eager to find out where his ancestors came from specifically. He is a Club America fan who will support and defend his team from salty opposers, who will be debunked anyways mwahaha (with respect lol). Further preferred activities include drawing, running miles, as well as collecting jerseys.
"Esdras J. Cruz asked if I'll finish my Philly Sandwich"
"Esdras J. Cruz s talking with his NY accent again :("

"Esdras J. Cruz won the mansion building competition in Minecraft again"
"Esdras J. Cruz drinks so much tea and I ran out of tea packets m8"
by ejc_10 November 23, 2021
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