A American who is extremely lazy and who refuses to work for a living. Similar to a Mexicant. Americants are often overweight, unhealthy, and poor; not because something terrible happened to them but only because they won't work hard. They want everything handed to them on a silver platter. An Americant may be of any race or religion.
Shawn is a classic example of an Americant, he mooches off of everyone he knows including the US government.
by OneBadAsp October 21, 2006
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Someone with great power or a fly ass nigga.
Oh wee, That boy on his americous today !!
by Young osirus July 6, 2015
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The name Americe mean beautiful,smart,nice,and kind she is very mean at times but is also shy she don't open up to a lot of people and also has very little friends she is super emotional and very talented but is also tall and she is a leader and never follow.
Hey have you seen the pretty new girl her name is Americe she is so shy
by Kyle Key March 16, 2017
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The situation where a person will tell a joke or a story with an American accent, even when they are not from America.
Sally: "I was talking to Joe (not american) the other day and he said, (talks with an american accent)"

George: "Sally Joe doesn't have an american accent, why do u americent everything?"
by Sniffles joe August 17, 2006
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The term used to describe the extremely rare black person who can't play basketball/dunk.
Man, Jarmelius can't even dunk, what an African Americant! He better start working on his rap career.
by Dr. C mccbabymcfreshnutznasty December 5, 2009
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