He is that kind of a person who makes you fall in love with life. To be next to him everyday gives you butterflies and his laughter makes the skies somehow bluer. He can make you laugh with his quick wit, he is the most creative person you can ever meet. He is so understanding and empathetic, he makes you feel safe and listened and actually understood for real! He is the definition of love, he is that "it" factor in life. Every song you listen, every painting you look at, every movie you watch will makes sense more after you get to be with him. And somehow you will wake up everyday more in love with him
I am the luckiest girl to have Hunor as my best friend
by Youknowhoiambaby November 21, 2021
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Hunor is the reliable and funny friend you didn't know you need until you met one. A Hunor can brighten up your lonely days in Poland with his positive attitude. He's a very squishy hooman, therefore it is easy to get carried away with booping his face. This creature can ride his bicycle up to 80 km/h without stopping at red lights. You have to feed him three times a day, but it is worth the effort.

Overall, if you want a generous, kind and caring soul in your life, then you have found it. Get a Hunor now, 100% recommend. He's a keeper.
Hunor: "Wait... You haven't seen *movie title*???????"
by PartySynthesizer November 22, 2021
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Az aki weeb és depressziós lett mert friendzoneoltak
Depressziós vagyok,és Konu suba a kedvenc animém.UWU
by EgySzimp July 5, 2020
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A person that never eats but still has an A in every subject, he always sticks with his friends and sometimes speak with others.
Bob: Oh so Fred is an Hunor?
Kent: Yeah...
by Bobisbest March 22, 2018
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Hunor is just a insane cool street slang word for humor. But a much cooler word. BELIVE ME.
Nicolai: «thats hunor»
Everebody: «fuck, you are so cool bro»
by Coolguymisteryoyo April 3, 2018
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A very loud guy that love to make weird noices. Is often called "Hönsnät" or "Hönör".
Person one: Oh shit, that guy is really loud
Person two: It gotta be a Hunor
by TheGuyWhoWritesAnswers January 24, 2018
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A guy thats have the best grades in your school.
That guy Hunor was the only one that got an A on the math test.
by A AA AAA December 13, 2017
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