A super-cool male human (usually fairly young --- i.e., between the ages of mid-teens through late 20's --- but can be any age) who either already possesses exceptional tolerance/awareness/understanding/sympathy regarding the more-well-known physical/mental/emotional infirmities and "meltdown triggers" experienced by his fellow humans, or has caringly volunteered to take special training to familiarize himself with such matters; he is therefore qualified --- similar to a therapy dog, cat, horse, bird, or other friendly-natured pet --- to accompany one or more distress-sufferers (usually a similar-aged male, but again, the assistance-receiver can be any age or gender) during particularly stressful everyday tasks and/or errands, and provide nurturing soothing companionship to said sufferers and thus make their lives significantly more palatable. And of course, female equivalents of this admirable caregiver --- known as "therapy chicks" --- also exist; they, too, can be of any age, and provide warm-hearted accompaniment and supplementary assistance to fellow humans of any age or gender.
Therapy dudes sometimes have a very difficult/stressful job, but somebody has to do it. Hats off to them.
by QuacksO March 15, 2018
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