1 definition by ~LV~

Lord Vaati, Wind Mage, Sorcerer of Darkness, Lord of Dark Hyrule Castle, Swordsman, opera lover, sportsman, beauty therapist and 1337 h4x0r, is, to put it simply, the coolest guy alive. He is so awesome that people five miles away go "Woah!" every time he so much as breathes. It actually gets kinda annoying after a while.

(Fun Fact: No rule 34 of Vaati exists, he is that awesome.)
(Q) Vaati must be a bad guy; he looks like one.

(A) Oh I see, you racist bigot. Discriminating against him because of his appearance? Is it coz he is purple? Or do you just fail to recognise the sheer über-awesomeness of red eyes? Or are you just against his gothic fashion sense? Actually, I wouldn't blame you there, except that for a Zelda character, he's got a pretty good dress sense. It's better than that wimpy skirt Link wears, anyway. And don't even talk to me about Tingle.
by ~LV~ September 1, 2010
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