1 definition by zy6073

1. A horrendous little tourist-trap at the Jersey Shore, consisting mainly of overly-judgmental and horribly sheltered middle-class moms and dads, dirty prostitutes, and idiots in general. A vast majority of the inhabitants of Bricktown are neither friendly nor intelligent in any way, shape, or form. STDs are rampant and the traffic is atrocious. Creativity and individuality are entirely non-existent. Anyone exhibiting signs of originality are typically shunned and end up moving somewhere worth something.

2. The autism capitol of the world.
1. "Those girls are so Bricktown.. you can see the crabs falling out of their underwear."

"That mom just gave me the Bricktown glare... she must not approve of my crazy shoes!"

2. "Don't drink the water, you don't wanna end up living in Bricktown."
by zy6073 July 29, 2008
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