2 definitions by wtfitsgina

Legendary creature that embodies everything that’s gay and fabulous.

Another name for a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transsexual person.
Guy 1: Dude my girl is actually a sparkle snatcher.
Guy2: What makes you think that?
Guy 1: She always screamed out Megan Fox's name and now she is dating a girl.
by wtfitsgina March 16, 2011
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Legendary creature that embodies everything that’s gay and fabulous.

Also known as someone that is Gay or Lesbian.

Bisexuals are half.
Boy: Dude, my ex was really a sparkle snatcher
other boy: How do you know?
Boy:she is dating a girl now.
by wtfitsgina March 14, 2011
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