5 definitions by wrjm2003

A master of the high ground, skilled Jedi and user of the phrase "hello there!"
Person 1: That man has the high ground.

Person 2: He must be an Obi-Wan.
by wrjm2003 November 3, 2019
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1. People who enjoy watching a movie/show, reading a comic/book, or playing a video game that is part of the Star Wars franchise.

2. A group of toxic people who are always arguing over many Star Wars topics, such as the prequels, Jar-Jar Binks, The Last Jedi and Ben Swolo.
Person 1: I have a bad feeling about this.

Person 2: Not to worry, we are still flying half a ship.

Person 2: Ah, you must be Star Wars fans.
by wrjm2003 November 3, 2019
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A greeting used by Star Wars fans and Obi-Wans, hoping that the reply is General Kenobi or come here my little friend.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Hello there!

Grievous: General Kenobi, you are a bold one.
by wrjm2003 November 3, 2019
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Someone who plays a lot of video games , drinks Mountain Dew , eats Doritos and live in their mother's house.
by wrjm2003 January 30, 2018
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The present participle of define, when someone is explaining the meaning of something.
Person 1: Where is Will?

Person 2: He's busy defining words on Urban Dictionary.
by wrjm2003 November 3, 2019
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