12 definitions by word makeruper

(noun): A whimsical and invented word representing a sense of relief and comfort, often accompanied by a sigh of contentment and a relaxing of tension. It embodies the serene and tranquil feeling that comes after a period of stress or difficulty.
"After completing her final exams, she found solace in a quiet corner, enjoying an easenook that enveloped her as the semester's stress began to dissipate."
by word makeruper August 4, 2023
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(adjective) Describing something as extremely good, delightful, or exceptionally pleasing. Used to emphasize the high level of positive qualities in an object or experience.
"The homemade pie was absolutely schmungalicious, with its flaky crust and rich, flavorful filling."
by word makeruper August 2, 2023
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(noun/adjective) A word indicating something that is bad, unpleasant, or of poor quality. Can also be used as an adjective to describe something negatively.
"After a series of unfortunate events, my day took a glumple turn when I missed the bus and then got caught in the rain."
by word makeruper August 2, 2023
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(noun): A whimsical and imaginative term describing a state of intense anger or frustration, often characterized by a heightened emotional response, clenched fists, and a sense of inner turmoil. It signifies a powerful surge of negative emotions that may be provoked by various triggers, both significant and trivial.
"After facing repeated setbacks in her endeavors, a feeling of furox welled up within her, causing her to take a deep breath and channel her energy into finding a solution rather than succumbing to frustration."
by word makeruper August 4, 2023
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(noun): A playful and imaginative term denoting a state of heightened fear or trepidation, often accompanied by a quickened heartbeat and a sense of unease. It encompasses a feeling of apprehension that may be triggered by various factors, real or imagined, and may lead to heightened awareness of one's surroundings.
"As the haunted house tour led her through dimly lit corridors and eerie shadows, a sense of dwersk crept over her, causing her to clutch her friend's arm tightly for reassurance."
by word makeruper August 4, 2023
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