10 definitions by willywonkaboi

When you don't know the answer to a question, but you feel like you need to make up an answer that kind of makes sense without giving a blatantly wrong or wild one. Common in smart kids and nowhere to exist in idiots.
Ah man, I ran our of time on the quiz since for the last question, I wanted to give a brainy guess.
by willywonkaboi May 29, 2019
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An almost forgotten way to wage war against another person or group of people. Typically used by kids in the lower grades against another rival class. Involves a straw and a small crumpled up ball of paper that is soaked in spit to make it stick to others. Rules of engagement: You need many allies to pull this off, never do this alone. Never get caught by the teacher. Always over prepare in ammo.
Maxwell: The other retarded class started a spitball war with us yesterday and they got Davy and Brian.

Jim: This is a code red alert, call in support from the classes upstairs, we need more allies.
by willywonkaboi May 2, 2019
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