2 definitions by whitewaterfan

A sandwich made, 9 out of 10 times in a kitchen, by a women.
Yesterday i had an all natural sandwich, followed by an extreme amount of natties and head.
by whitewaterfan August 30, 2010
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1. One without originality who copies other people's swag. This includes, but is not limited to lingo, clothing, hairstyle, shoes and overall originality.

2. A pain in the ass.

verb. jauking my swag
1. one who is presently being a swag jauker
1. "Doesnt he have your shirt and shorts on?"

"Naw, those are his, such a swag jauker."

2. "Somebodys a swag jauker today"
by whitewaterfan May 31, 2010
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