1 definition by whiskerbiscuit

Meriden is a town/city located in CT. There\'s a lot of confusion going around about this place so being a resident I\'m gonna try and clear it up. Currently, Meriden is more or less a \"ghetto\" but it does certainly have some nicer suburban places. There are 4 kinds of people.

1. \"Ghetto\" people, who live in housing or apartments right outside or inside of the city or downtown, like myself. Beware Franklyn Street and Chamberlain Heights!

2. \"Middle Class\" residents who for some reason refuse to get off their high horse and refuse to admit that they don\'t like living here and unadmittedly spend most of their time inside because \"it\'s getting bad\".

3. \"Suburban\" white families who mostly inhabit South Meriden or some of the more nicer areas further from the city.

4. \"Middle Class\" people who don\'t give a crap about the town regardless and are happy to have a place to live.

Meriden, while seemingly worthless, actually has alot going on under the hood. The action is mainly unrealized by your average person. For suburban families, it\'s a good place to start off being a rich suburban snot. For gangsters, it\'s a good ghetto to start off in. There is Crack and Weed up to your chin here, but word has it that good weed is getting hard to find. What many people don\'t know is that it has easy and quick access to the highways. It\'s used as a hideout or \"sorting grounds\" for crime. The drugs come in from the shore, out of town, whatever, and are sorted out here, given to whomever, then POOF. It goes onto the highways and all throughout new england. For ghetto rats from places like New Haven or Hartford, it\'s a hideout known as the Dirty Den. Home to a few motorbike gangs which are basically what keep the town from being taken over by loudmouth Latin gangs. Meriden also has some connections to the Mob up in New York. The worthless looking place it is makes it the perfect front for big time crime. So much for your quiet pretty little New England home town now eh?

Hope that clears things up.
Suburban Kid: \"I\'ve never been to Chamberlain Heights.\"
Ghetto Kid: \"Of course, you have no reason to be there.\"

Local Government Guy #1: \"How about we waste more taxpayer money by installing fancy street lamps on all the crappy criminal streets?\"

Local Government Guy #2: \"Great idea! Let\'s also make sure the sidewalks stay bumpy and broken with glass shards all over them!\"

Overall Meriden can be a rich snobs heaven, or a gangsta\'s paradise. It really depends on who you are.

by whiskerbiscuit January 12, 2007
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