1 definition by whatevsohio

Ohio is Hell, and it's froze over for 9 out of 12 months of the year. For the other three months, it has decided to crisp the Hell Mates that reside there. Hell... or Ohio.... is made up of mostly farms, but there is the occasional metropolis full of gangs, drugs, and crazy ass drivers. If you intentionally move to Hell for no good reason, you should consult a shrink. If you move to Hell to be with someone, you should both consult a shrink. If you move here for a job.... then good for you. Your right where you need to be. For everyone who has had to travel through Hell... I feel sorry for you. In conclusion, could someone please GET ME OUT OF HELL!
"Oh hellz naw! We in Ohio, Skillet!"
by whatevsohio March 28, 2010
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