1 definition by wetgodflex


lingo started around jersey city early 2014 to describe ones outfit or overall demeanor

adjective: drip;

3rd person present: drips;

past tense: dripped;

past participle: dripped;

gerund or present participle: dripping

1. flex hard or be so wet as to shed small drops of liquid.
"my nike air force ones won't stop dripping"
synonyms: dribble, leak splash wet More

• (swagger) falls in small drops.
"water dripped from his clothing"

• cause or allow (designer) to shed rain drops.
"the designer was dripping water down one side"

• display a copious amount or degree of a particular quality or thing.
"Forrest Guap was dripping with gold and diamonds"

noun: drip;

plural noun: drips

1. Enormous amount of a swag.
"she put the bucket underneath the dresser to catch the drip"
synonyms: juice, swag, steez, swank, splash

• the action or sound of flexing and finessing.
"the drip, drip, drip came from the leak in the roof"

• short for dripstarr.
dry girl- you saw the aqua pack?

dry boy - yea they're splashed up in Burberry and Lacoste, they got THE drip!
by wetgodflex October 11, 2018
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