1 definition by werdna250..

To cum.
The act of climaxing during masturbation.


"Last night, my girlfriend and I took it to the next level. There was so much trust between us."

"Does anyone else have a pair of socks that they trust in?"

"I trust in my father very much, however I trust in my mother the most."

"My friends are the greatest, thanks to them, I've got so much trust on my hands."

Guy 1: "Why do you always eat yogurt?"
Guy 2: "Reduces the chance of colon cancer."
Guy 1: "Are you sure about that?"
Guy 2: "I trust in my yogurt."
Guy 1: "Maybe you should trust your colon."

"You've got some trust on your face."
by werdna250.. June 29, 2010
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