1 definition by vileeuissoveryhot

Vileeu Is a sweet, caring and wonderful person. He also goes by alex. He is someone who can always cheer you up when your sad, and hug you tight and make sure youre okay when you cry. He always makes sure you’re okay, and he has the most precious smile. He has gorgeous eyes, ones you fall in love with and can look at for hours. He has amazing hair, and a great taste in shoes and cars. He gives the best cuddles and kisses, and amazing looks. And he always makes you feel special. Everyone needs an “Alex” in their life. Now getting into the better things, he is insanely hot, you'd faint the second you saw him. There's so much things to say about this amazing man.

Instructions for Your Alex:

1) Love your Alex, they are very loyal and affectionate creatures...except when given sugar, then they can become slightly agressive. Be wary of this. And its probably best to buy a large cage just in case.

2) Give them a lot of care and attention, otherwise they could turn against you, and possibly eat you.

3) Ensure to let them out at least 5 times a day...they tend to urinate frequently.

Available at Argos, ASDA, Debenhams and other selected stores today!
Greg: Hey man, I bought an Vileeu yesterday! How's yours?
Craig: Dead. I forgot to water it.
Greg: Dead?
Craig: Dead.
...*casually walk away*
by vileeuissoveryhot April 10, 2021
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