1 definition by urbandictionarymuseno.2

A Trixie is a very genuine, rare, intense, really smart, fun and beautiful girl. She is one for keeps. She is almost dream-like. If you happen to find a Trixie, keep her. She is the best to be around with. Being with her makes one feel all kinds of bright and sad and pure— that makes life even more thrilling and worth living. She is truly one of a kind. She is very strong very independent but sometimes she feels a lot too. When she loves, she loves hard. She is great with everyone. She can get along with people very well. Everyone can either really like her or really hate her. She is the best friend/ best girlfriend anyone can have. She is Queen she is King. She is THE DREAM.
“Trixie? dude.. she’s it. You gotta keep her”
by urbandictionarymuseno.2 November 23, 2021
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