15 definitions by typologer


v. What is to be done when someone disagrees with you.
n. A thing left on a post or comment when downvoted.
Redditor: They were (sobs) T-th-they were expressing right-wing values... (offended) and I downvoted them! Ha! Take that downvote! Boooo! Boooo!
by typologer August 8, 2020
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Libright: Those authleft statists!
Authleft: Yeah, I'm a statist, so what?
by typologer June 23, 2020
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(lifted directly from wikisocion IEI domain)

Introvyrt stryfe is the term used for the culmination of various feelings that usually collect in introvert vessels. The most celebrated of these vessels are the INFp and ISFp. These types are irrational by nature and cry and scream with little to no provocation. They have the ability to be happy and sad at the same time, which confuses them intensely. Hence, this paradox is aptly named "Introvyrt stryfe"

The term was first recorded in March 2008 by a pair of super-Se INFp gangsters on wikisocion. This term has resounded a great gong in the heart of one Fe-ISFp, and will be propagated as such. The original posting can be found below.

- Kamangir

That's what's up. Represent all my IxFps in the struggle.

Introvyrt Stryfe Chronicles


some serious introvyrt stryfe going on here

wyrd. the intuityve ethycal introvyrt hood has sirius shyt goin down. all them other punk-ass ieis are too afraid to take some initiatyve. lyke they gon get raped or sum shyt. luckily the one and only Se-INFp busted some caps in this mofugga n started shyt

stay strong, live long, introvyrt tyme, introvyrt RHYME

thats wuts up. stay crunchy,

all ya.. introynet posers.. fryggin snow n shitz yo.. lyjk.. lyk why don't you go out and get a job.. find a gyrlfriend.. you fat ass virgins fakkin jerking off to some soceoniks shayt
by typologer September 8, 2020
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Introvyrt Stryfe

(lifted directly from wikisocion IEI domain)

Introvyrt stryfe is the term used for the culmination of various feelings that usually collect in introvert vessels. The most celebrated of these vessels are the INFp and ISFp. These types are irrational by nature and cry and scream with little to no provocation. They have the ability to be happy and sad at the same time, which confuses them intensely. Hence, this paradox is aptly named "Introvyrt stryfe"

The term was first recorded in March 2008 by a pair of super-Se INFp gangsters on wikisocion. This term has resounded a great gong in the heart of one Fe-ISFp, and will be propagated as such. The original posting can be found below.

- Kamangir

That's what's up. Represent all my IxFps in the struggle.

Introvyrt Stryfe Chronicles


some serious introvyrt stryfe going on here

wyrd. the intuityve ethycal introvyrt hood has sirius shyt goin down. all them other punk-ass ieis are too afraid to take some initiatyve. lyke they gon get raped or sum shyt. luckily the one and only Se-INFp busted some caps in this mofugga n started shyt

stay strong, live long, introvyrt tyme, introvyrt RHYME

thats wuts up. stay crunchy,

all ya.. introynet posers.. fryggin snow n shitz yo.. lyjk.. lyk why don't you go out and get a job.. find a gyrlfriend.. you fat ass virgins fakkin jerking off to some soceoniks shayt
by typologer September 9, 2020
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A term for an emotional individual. The F found in 8 of 16 MBTI types. Prioritises emotions over logical conclusions.

Often has mental breakdowns. In which case, don't try and give a solution to their problems. Just listen.
INTJ: Yeah, he's a feeler. I could tell by his endless emotional havoc that tears down the walls I built around my heart.
ENFP: Am I really that bad?
INTJ: Marginally better than ESFP. Not only is she a feeler, she's a sensor. And all sensors are unintelligent animals.
ENFP: Wow, are you saying that sarcastically?
by typologer June 23, 2020
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1. To use your auxilliary cognitive function instead of your dominant function, because someone told you to.
2. To ask someone to insesdo
ENFP: uhh can you stop fe-ing it's hurting my brain
ENFJ: Good idea, I'll use my Ni instead

ESFJ: I'll Si insesdo

Everyone: insesdo
The Sun: insesdo
ENFP: insesdo
by typologer August 1, 2020
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Cousins with MBTI, however, they do not want to associate with one another. Probably a pseudoscience.

Socionics claims there to be 8 information elements (IMEs) and 16 types. These 16 types of information metabolism(TIMs) interact with one another in 16 ways.

Each TIM possesses all 8 IMEs, in different slots in their cognition. They value certain IMEs above others, and they are stronger in certain IMEs than others.

These 16 types are also divided into 4 quadra of 4, each sharing the same valued IMEs. Those who share a quadra are where long term relations are most likely to flourish. They are the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta Quadra.

Warning: Socionics is rather complex. Please do not try at home. Unless you want to. Then maybe you can.
IEE: Hey guys guys guys I found this socionics thingy
ILE: I know that! You going to run off in search of your SLI boyfriend now?
IEE: Hey! Not funny!
by typologer September 7, 2020
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