1 definition by tralala

i live in maryland, so i know what im talking about. blue state bc of baltimore and pg county, but republican in the crazy rich counties. its not southern (except for in the very southern counties and the eastern shore). annapolis - a drinking town with a sailing problem. the annapolitan uniform is khaki pants, a navy blazer, and docksiders (no socks). middies are the dates du jour for all the high school girls in the annapolis area. all those middies running around downtown are a beautiful sight to see! most marylanders dont have an accent, except b-more (hun) and the eastern shore (m r ducks). bmore - truly ghetto but we love it anyways. yay for seafood! if you dont play lacrosse in elementary and high school, you might as well not live in maryland (especially in Anne Arundel County).
rich suburbs, ghetto city, hick farmlands, we got it all!
by tralala August 17, 2005
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